K'azir Cadenza
he/him crystal/balmung. pst.

stargazer. sleepless scholar. dreamseeker.
Runaway Sharlayan. A secretive man who prioritizes the health of others before his own. He is a strict chirurgeon, yet brims with enthusiasm for certain interests.
About K'azir
core information ⸺⸺⸺ .
name: K'azir Cadenza
age: 30
gender: Male
species: Seeker of the Sun
sexuality: Homosexual
origin: Old Sharlayan
location: Gridania/Ul'dah
occupation: Apothecarist
status: --
personality ⸺ .
temperament: Analytical
alignment: Neutral good
likes: Food, botany, animals
dislikes: Not a whole lot
hobbies: Taking field notes
Austere and uncompromising at first glance, K'azir may seem to be nothing more than an exhausted man rather tired of the privileged elite. Those under his care, however, will express that he's rather sincere-- simply honest to a fault, if not a little arrogant in his ideations of right and wrong.
strengths ⸺ .

weaknesses ⸺ .
flaws ⸺ .
Excessive curiousity
One look at the chirurgeon reveals an upbringing far different from the ascetic life that he generally insists on leading. Despite constantly being short on gil, his complexion remains clear and hair pristine. Of course, that's not the only dichotomy that stands out about the Seeker. Regardless of how hard he works, K'azir can never shake the naivety of growing up among the wealthy elite.Thankfully, he doesn't make a show of it. Now focused on helping the poor, he's rather used to being met with suspicion despite having nothing to sell and less to preach. On the flipside, he's rather less interested in helping the privileged-- and it shows as much in his conduct. The rich have plenty of other chirurgeons, after all.
Take two doses: once before bed and once more when you wake. Do not forget, or Thaliak help you I swear upon the Twelve.......
K'azir Cadenza
he/him crystal/balmung. pst.

stargazer. sleepless scholar. dreamseeker.
Runaway Sharlayan. A secretive man who prioritizes the health of others before his own. He is a strict chirurgeon, yet brims with enthusiasm for certain interests.
records of the sleep deprived ⸺⸺ .
The youngest son of the Cadenza family has always been... Well, normal. Cheerful and kindhearted, his was a fairytale childhood up until his eighth sun. With the Cadenza family well known for their research in astrology-- specifically the celestial gates and its influence on chronomancy potential, those who sought such guarded secrets decided it was worth the plunder.While their parents were away and most of the servants dismissed for Starlight festivities, the Cadenza manor was broken into. Altair, the eldest, was given the task of bringing the research materials, while K'azir and his sister were held hostage in waiting.Unfortunately for all involved, the perpetrators were unaware that Altair, freshly eighteen summers, had not the first clue where the forbidden knowledge was kept. Even if it were within the manor, he had not yet been trusted with such access, and as the bells passed the robbers grew more impatient.The ordeal ends with their sister blinded in her bid to protect the youngest, and Altair haunted by his own powerlessness. The family dynamics changed thereafter. Altair became oppressively controlling, while K'azir could feel his relationship with his sister slipping. He, too, became more withdrawn from his parents, and instead threw himself into his studies with a pointed interest in healing. Though many have insisted that his sister's condition was incurable, K'azir refused to accept it.For many summers after, K'azir endured Altair's worsening attitude. Understanding the mental stress that his brother had never recovered from, he accepted the curfews and the demands up until Altair declared that he was to be betrothed to a stranger. Finding it utterly incredulous-- and quite frankly, stupid-- K'azir at last decided he could not continue on this way. Thus, he escaped off the first ship willing to take him, and from then on became a wanderer... But never one who did not long for home.
phases of the moon ⸺⸺ .
Timeline | Story |
Birth | Born in Sharlayan, the youngest of 3 siblings |
childhood | Got along well with his family, he was the most spoiled of the 3 as the second son. doted on by servants. |
8th summer | Cadenza manor broken into, sister blinded while protecting him. Eldest brother never recovers from this event. |
16th summer | Altair's curfews and controlling tendency worsens, chirurgeons officially declare that his sister's blindness is irreversible. |
21st summer | K'azir is accepted into the studium with disciplinary focus on astromancy and healing |
24th summer | Graduation from the studium, followed by further personal studies beneath the direction of his parents in their family field |
28th summer | Received his archon marks and had begun working in the same research lab as his family |
30th summer | Parents retire, Altair becomes the next head of the Cadenza family. K'azir is expected to be politically married within the year. |
Present | Rebelling against his brother, K'azir now works as a wandering chirurgeon |
K'azir Cadenza
he/him crystal/balmung. pst.

stargazer. sleepless scholar. dreamseeker.
Runaway Sharlayan. A secretive man who prioritizes the health of others before his own. He is a strict chirurgeon, yet brims with enthusiasm for certain interests.
Outof Character
synastry & alignments ⸺⸺ .
do's ⸺ .
mature subjects (psychological etc.)
character development
lore compliant but not overly strict (lore bendy with creativity!)
OOC friends to run content with (happy to healer queue!)
dynamic posts (I usually multi-para but I don't expect it back. write as much or as little as you like!)
gpose friends!
don't's ⸺ .
partners under 21 y/o
lack of IC/OOC separation
refusal to communicate
alternate universes
mirror posting
about the writer ⸺⸺⸺ .
name: Saibraeus, Sai
timezone: PST
rp format: Discord, in-game
contact: DM on Discord or message me in game [K'azir Cadenza, Balmung]
note: If you see me at a venue without my RP tag on, I'm just chilling-- most likely there to listen to the performance rather than actively looking to RP. Feel free to send an OOC tell instead.

K'azir Cadenza
he/him crystal/balmung. pst.

stargazer. sleepless scholar. dreamseeker.
Runaway Sharlayan. A secretive man who prioritizes the health of others before his own. He is a strict chirurgeon, yet brims with enthusiasm for certain interests.
Verses of Fate
aspect of the stars ⸺⸺⸺ .
Wandering Healer ⸺ .
COMMON. The quintessential expected hook for all chirurgeons. He may not be able to read the stars for your personal pleasure, but he sure will strap a man down and force feed them medicine until they comply. So, what is it that ails you? Rich, poor, voidsent etc. all welcome.
Botany & Medicine ⸺ .
COMMON. K'azir is always excited to learn about new advancements in the pharmaceutical arts. If you're someone well versed in botany or a fellow chirurgeon in any discipline, he would love to make your acquaintance.
??? ⸺ .
??? ???
Sage & Sapphire ⸺ .
COMMON. K'azir runs a joint apothecary called Sage & Sapphire which offers a vast array of medicine and custom workshops such as potpourri charm making. Feel free to drop by or make an appointment!
Sharlayan ⸺ .
UNCOMMON. Those who have studied at the Studium or are otherwise familiar with Sharlayan scholars may have heard of the Cadenza family along with whispers of their astrological research. Familiar faces from study days are welcome!
Food... Trash Can ⸺ .
COMMON. One thing K'azir can't seem to deny is his love for food. He's an adventurous eater whose curiousity will have him try anything once, and he can easily be swayed by good cuisine from any region. In fact, the fastest way to his heart is probably to expose him to new cultures via their national dishes.